
all prices incl. vat:

our stand­ard car­ri­er is dhl. with­in ger­many and the eu we send insured, world­wide ship­ping is unin­sured or insured (with track­ing number).

oth­er forms of ship­ping are avail­able on request. please con­tact shop@​malaikaraiss.​com in advance for fur­ther information.

type of deliv­eryger­manyeuworld
pack­et (insured)5,90 eur
(deliv­ery time 1–3 work­ing days)
15,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 3–7 work­ing days)
45,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 8–12 work­ing days)
par­cel (unin­sured) flat rate express15,00 eur
(next day)
20,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 8–12 work­ing days)

european uni­on (eu): bel­gi­um, bul­garia, den­mark (except färöer, green­land), est­land, finnland (except åland­is­lands), france (except over­sees parts), greece (except athos moun­tain), great bri­tain (except chan­nel islands), ire­land, italy (except livigno and cam­pi­one d’italia), latvia, lithuania, lux­em­burg, malta, monaco, neth­er­lands (except extraeuropean ter­rit­or­ies), aus­tria, poland, por­tugal, romania, sweden, slov­akia, slov­e­nia, spain (except canary islands, ceuta + melilla), czech repub­lic, hun­gary, zyprus (south).

for inner eu ship­ping you won’t need cus­toms information.

world: all coun­tries not men­tion­end in the eu-zone list

please notice that for deliv­er­ies out­side the european uni­on ( switzer­land etc.) cus­tom duties and addi­tion­al taxes may occur.

these fees have to be paid by the customer.