

A sig­na­ture style of con­fid­ent ease and cool fem­in­in­ity – that´s MALAIKARAISS

„We wanted to cre­ate a look that´s play­ful but effort­less, soph­ist­ic­ated but with a
fun-fem­in­ine twist. A con­tem­por­ary day to night col­lec­tion full of emo­tions“
– Malaika Raiss

with great atten­tion to detail, malaika and her pas­sion­ate team cre­ate con­tem­por­ary
ready-to-wear and accessor­ies. Over the past few sea­sons, high-end fash­ion jew­elry has
become a major part of the collection.

clear sil­hou­ettes and sharp tail­or­ing nev­er lose their ease com­bined with innov­at­ive fab­ric
devel­op­ments, knit­ted yarns with a unique haptic sense, as well as express­ive print-designs.
a play­ful mix of con­trasts is the key to malaika´s collections.