The Little Ladies Jew­elry Plate



Hand­made Brass Plate to store your favor­ite jewelry.

Comes with three dif­fer­ent “The Little Ladies” Designs.

Art­works by Ber­lin based Artist Anna Zimmermann.

The plates are hand­made in Mar­rakech by brass-artis­ans using a tra­di­tion­al technique.

Each piece is unique, with tiny flaws here and there giv­ing the plate its character.

Please note, that brass ages, changes in col­or and sur­face are on purpose.

size: 11,5cm 100% Brass

Made in Marrakech


Handge­fer­tigter Mess­ing­teller zur Auf­be­wahrung Ihres Lieblingsschmucks.

Kom­mt mit drei ver­schieden­en „The Little Ladies“-Designs.

Art­works der in Ber­lin lebenden Künst­ler­in Anna Zimmermann.

Die Tell­er wer­den in Mar­rakech von Mess­ing­handwerkern mit ein­er tra­di­tion­el­len Tech­nik handgefertigt.

Jedes Stück ist ein Unikat, mit klein­en Män­geln hier und da, die dem Tell­er sein­en Charak­ter verleihen.

Bitte beacht­en Sie, dass Alter­ung, Farb- und Ober­flächen­ver­än­der­ungen bei Mess­ing beab­sichtigt sind.

Durchmess­er: 11,5cm, 100% Messing

Herges­tellt in Marrakech

Additional information


mÅne, Sol, Olive, Pilar

Price 49,00 
Includes 19% VAT
plus shipping
Size Guide

styled with

  • Recycled Glass Pitcher


    Includes 19% VAT
    Delivery Time: ca. 2-3 workdays
    Additional costs (e.g. for customs or taxes) may occur when shipping to non-EU countries.
  • Recycled Glass Tumbler-Set


    Includes 19% VAT
    Delivery Time: ca. 2-3 workdays
    Additional costs (e.g. for customs or taxes) may occur when shipping to non-EU countries.