
MALAIKARAISS stands for last­ing styles of fem­in­ine ease, qual­ity and a con­scious mind­set.
We don’t identi­fy as a 100% sus­tain­able brand and have been pretty reserved about this top­ic in
the past, because becom­ing the most respons­ible ver­sion of ourselves is an ongo­ing jour­ney.
We fol­low this respons­ib­il­ity agenda, with new goals set every sea­son, for the past and
the upcom­ing years.

We are com­mit­ted to make more respons­ible decisions, devel­op hol­ist­ic products and ser­vices;
to inspire you to make con­scious choices and build for longev­ity; to min­im­ize our social and
envir­on­ment­al impact thriv­ing towards a green­er future – we are in this togeth­er; to ensure
a trans­par­ent sup­ply chain, we work closely with our sup­pli­ers and man­u­fac­tur­ers,
mostly fam­ily-run busi­nesses, entirely based in Europe, that we keep on
chal­len­ging sea­son after sea­son to do bet­ter. Fam­ily busi­ness also means a fair and safe
work envir­on­ment, pay­ing above min­im­um wage, flex­ible job mod­els and to keep up
a con­stant dia­logue about mak­ing sure that we work in favor of people, anim­als and the planet.

Togeth­er we have cre­ated a refined day to night ward­robe ded­ic­ated to the product:
defin­ing and devel­op­ing qual­ity pieces and a col­lec­tion that tran­scends trends and
sea­sons – long-time favor­ites. We are still at the begin­ning of our sus­tain­ab­il­ity jour­ney,
but we are in this togeth­er. Our aim is to grow our mar­ket share as a con­scious brand.

Learn more about MALAIKARAISS’ ambi­tions and what steps have been taken so far.

Down­load our Respons­ib­il­ity Agenda: