Terms & Conditions

gen­er­al stand­ard terms and conditions

1 gen­er­al 

malaika raiss, rigaer str. 84, 10247 ber­lin, man­aging dir­ect­or malaika raiss, phone: +49 30 609 372 29 , office@​malaikaraiss.​com (here­in­after called “malaikaraiss” or “we”) runs an online shop under the inter­net address www​.malaikaraiss​.com (here­in­after called “web­site”). all orders placed by you via the web­site and our deliv­er­ies and ser­vices are exclus­ively sub­ject to the fol­low­ing gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions, in the ver­sion that is val­id at the time of the order. we do not accept con­flict­ing terms and con­di­tions of the cus­tom­er unless we have agreed to their valid­ity in writing.

2 return instructions 

right to return 

you may return mer­chand­ise you have received without indic­at­ing any reas­ons with­in a peri­od of 14 days. the peri­od com­mences upon receipt of this noti­fic­a­tion in writ­ing (i.e. as a let­ter, fax, e‑mail), but not before the cus­tom­er has received the mer­chand­ise (in case of a recur­ring deliv­ery of mer­chand­ise of the same kind not before receipt of the first par­tial deliv­ery), and equally not before we have ful­filled our oblig­a­tion to provide inform­a­tion accord­ing to art­icle 246 § 2 in con­nec­tion with § 1 sec­tion 1 and 2 of the intro­duct­ory act of the ger­man civil code (egbgb) as well as our oblig­a­tions accord­ing to §312e sec­tion 1 clause 1 ger­man civil code (bgb) in con­nec­tion with art­icle 246 § 3 egbgb. only if the mer­chand­ise is not suit­able for dis­patch by par­cel (i.e. bulky goods) you may declare the return by means of a return request in writ­ing, i.e. by let­ter, fax or e‑mail. to observe the return peri­od lim­it­a­tions a dis­patch of the mer­chand­ise or the return request with­in that time frame is suf­fi­cient. in any case the cus­tom­er will bear the costs and the risks of any return. the return ship­ment or the return request must be addressed to malaika raiss, rigaer str. 84, 10247 ber­lin, man­aging dir­ect­or malaika raiss, tele­phone: +49 30 609 372 29, office@​malaikaraiss.​com

con­sequences of a return

in case of an effect­ive return any pay­ments received or, if applic­able, any bene­fits achieved by use of the goods must be returned by both parties. in the event that the goods have deteri­or­ated or for use (i.e. bene­fits from use) which can­not be re-imbursed fully or par­tially or only in an impaired con­di­tion, you will have to pay an appro­pri­ate com­pens­a­tion. you will only have to pay com­pens­a­tion for a deteri­or­a­tion of the goods or for any bene­fits achieved, if the use or the deteri­or­a­tion is the res­ult of hand­ling the mer­chand­ise in a way that exceeds the assess­ment of its attrib­utes or func­tion­al­ity. “assess­ment of attrib­utes or func­tion­al­ity” is defined as test­ing and try­ing out the respect­ive mer­chand­ise as it is pos­sible and com­mon in a shop. oblig­a­tions with regard to the refund of pay­ments must be met with­in 30 days. for you this peri­od begins with the dis­patch of the mer­chand­ise or the send date of the return request, for us with the receipt.

you will find all doc­u­ments help­ful in con­nec­tion with the return of the mer­chand­ise – togeth­er with the deliv­ery note – in your shipment.

an indi­vidu­al­ized product (cus­tom) was made espe­cially for you, so we can­not accept returns for these items.

please note that we can only accept returns from the coun­try which the ship­ment was sent to. if the ship­ment was sent to aus­tria, for instance, we can only accept a return from austria.

the costs of your order will be charged to your cred­it card or bank account. in case of a return, your rel­ev­ant card or bank account will be cred­ited. how­ever, any losses that are caused by cur­rency fluc­tu­ations will not be refunded.

if you have any quer­ies con­sid­er­ing your return rights, please con­tact our cus­tom­er care team:

email: shop@​malaikaraiss.​com

3 import­ant notes

  1. the art­icles offered on malaikaraiss​.comare presen­ted as digit­al pho­to­graphs depict­ing the exist­ing mer­chand­ise. slight dif­fer­ences between the pho­to­graphs and real­ity do not con­sti­tute a defect of the ordered merchandise.
  2. please note that the art­icles presen­ted on malaikaraiss​.com may no longer be avail­able at the time of the customer’s vis­it to our site, and the respect­ive prices might have changed. all prices are lis­ted in euro (€) incl. vat and exclud­ing ship­ping costs.
  3. malaikaraiss is entitled to per­form par­tial deliveries.
  4. gift cer­ti­fic­ates are val­id for one year from the date of pur­chase and can­not be returned.

4 con­clu­sion of contract

  1. a con­tract between you and malaikaraiss shall come into effect upon ship­ment of the mer­chand­ise that has been ordered by you. by sub­mit­ting the order­ing form provided on our web­site, you make a bind­ing offer to us to con­clude the con­tract. your order has been placed once you have entered all the inform­a­tion that is required for the order­ing pro­cess, and sub­sequently sent us the order­ing form by click­ing “sub­mit order”.
  2. malaikaraiss shall be entitled to reject an order placed by you without stat­ing any reas­ons. this shall apply par­tic­u­larly in those cases, where there are well-foun­ded sus­pi­cions that the ordered art­icles are to be sold to third parties on a com­mer­cial basis.

5 sav­ing of contract

we save your order­ing data. if you wish to receive a hard copy of your order, you have the abil­ity to print out the “order con­firm­a­tion”. the order con­firm­a­tion will appear on your screen once you have sub­mit­ted your order by click­ing “sub­mit order” and once your cred­it card data have been suc­cess­fully checked. fur­ther­more, you will receive the order con­firm­a­tion with all giv­en data by email which may be prin­ted out as well.

6 deliv­ery and shipment

ship­ping charges

all prices incl. vat:

our stand­ard car­ri­er is dhl. with­in ger­many and the eu we send insured, world­wide ship­ping is unin­sured or insured (with track­ing number).

oth­er forms of ship­ping are avail­able on request. please con­tact shop@​malaikaraiss.​com in advance for fur­ther information.

type of deliv­eryger­manyeuworld
stand­ard par­cel (insured)7,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 1–3 work­ing days)
15,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 3–7 work­ing days)
45,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 8–12 work­ing days)
saver par­cel (unin­sured)20,00 eur
(deliv­ery time 8–12 work­ing days)

european uni­on (eu):

bel­gi­um, bul­garia, den­mark (except färöer, green­land), est­land, finnland (except åland­is­lands), france (except over­sees parts), greece (except athos moun­tain), great bri­tain (except chan­nel islands), ire­land, italy (except livigno and cam­pi­one d’italia), latvia, lithuania, lux­em­burg, malta, monaco, neth­er­lands (except außereuropäis­che gebi­ete), aus­tria, poland, por­tugal, romania, sweden, slov­akia, slov­e­nia, spain (except canary islands, ceuta + melilla), czech repub­lic, hun­gary, zyprus (south).

for inner eu ship­ping you won’t need cus­toms information.


all coun­tries not men­tion­end in the eu-zone list

please notice that for deliv­er­ies out­side the european uni­on ( switzer­land etc.) cus­tom duties and addi­tion­al taxes may occur.

these fees have to be paid by the customer.

7 pay­ment and delays in payment

7.1 all prices are lis­ted in euro (€) incl. vat and exclud­ing ship­ping costs. 

7.2  the pur­chase price is due imme­di­ately upon our con­firm­a­tion noti­fic­a­tion or the delivery.

7.3 you may for your order at malaikaraiss​.com by cred­it card, wire trans­fer, payp­al or by gift certificate.

7.3.1 pay­ment via cred­it card is handled by payp­al. con­di­tions and accep­ted cred­it cards can be found on payp​al​.com

7.3.2 pay­ment by wire transfer 

pay­ment by wire trans­fer is only pos­sible from ger­many and austria

malaika raiss
ber­liner spar­kasse:
swift: belade­bexxx
iban: de11 1005 0000 0190 4120 20

7.3.3 pay­ment by gift certificate

simply go to “shop­ping bag” and enter your gift cer­ti­fic­ate code into the respect­ive field. if the order amount exceeds the gift cer­ti­fic­ate amount, please select the pay­ment meth­od with which you wish to cov­er the amount remain­ing. if the gift cer­ti­fic­ate amount exceeds the order amount, you may use the same code for your next pur­chase. the amount remain­ing shall be avail­able until your cred­it bal­ance has been used up completely.

7.3.4 pay­ment via paypal

a new win­dow will open. you will be dir­ec­ted to the payp­al website.

please fol­low the instruc­tions and con­di­tions of paypal.

8 reten­tion of title

malaikaraiss reserves the right to retain title and own­er­ship of any and all art­icles sup­plied until such time as full pay­ment has been received.

9 cus­tom­er quer­ies on orders and/​or complaints

if you have any quer­ies on orders and/​or com­plaints, please con­tact our cus­tom­er care team:
email: shop@​mailaikaraiss.​com

+49 30 609 372 29

10 war­ranty

the stat­utory ger­man law of war­ranty shall apply.

11 pri­vacy

  1. all cus­tom­er data are saved and pro­cessed by malaikaraiss solely in accord­ance with the rel­ev­ant data pro­tec­tion laws. in par­tic­u­lar, per­son­al data are being col­lec­ted, saved, and used exclus­ively for the pur­pose of pro­cessing the order or with your expli­cit con­sent. fur­ther­more, addresses and order­ing data are col­lec­ted, pro­cessed and used for intern­al mar­ket­ing pur­poses. we do not store per­son­al data longer than is abso­lutely required.
  2. in case you would prefer your per­son­al data not to be used, pro­cessed, and trans­mit­ted for mar­ket­ing pur­poses, simply inform us by post, fax or email at shop@​malaikaraiss.​com. please be aware, how­ever, that this does not apply to the data that are neces­sary to pro­cess your order. upon receipt of your notice, we will only use, pro­cess and trans­mit your data in order to pro­cess the lat­ter. in addi­tion, your inform­a­tion will not be used for advert­ising actions.
  3. we do not for­ward per­son­al data to third parties except with regard to sub­con­tract­ors of malaikaraiss that require the trans­fer of data to pro­cess the order. in these cases, how­ever, the scope of the data trans­fer is restric­ted to the required minimum.
  4. in addi­tion, malaikaraiss​.com uses cook­ies that are put into use bey­ond the ses­sion (“trans-ses­sion cook­ies”). these cook­ies are meant to make our offer user-friend­li­er, more effect­ive, and even more tar­geted. these data files make it pos­sible, for instance, for you to view inform­a­tion on our site that you are spe­cific­ally inter­ested in. the only pur­pose is to adapt our offer to the wishes of our cus­tom­ers and to make surf­ing as com­fort­able as possible.

12 choice of law, effectiveness

  1. ger­man law shall apply with the excep­tion of the united nations con­ven­tion on con­tracts for the inter­na­tion­al sale of goods.
  2. in case that one or more pro­vi­sions are inval­id, the valid­ity of the remain­ing pro­vi­sion shall remain unaffected.